What comes to mind when you think of a ballerina? Graceful, poise, strong, long muscles, tutus, yes, but also painful pointe shoes and bleeding toes, right? Now there are Barre Workout: the basics of ballet based programs that give you proper alignment, femininity and strength sansyears of painful training!

Barre workout: The Basics of Ballet are taught around the world. Image: YouTube: WellandGood
How did barre workout: the basics of ballet trainings begin?
…the idea originated in London 50 years ago with famous German dancer Lotte Berk. The method was refined in the United States in the 1970s, and since then, fitness enthusiasts on the East and West Coasts, as well as celebrities like Madonna have caught on.
You’re probably wondering if it’s as hard as dancing on your toes? Here is what interviewees had to say when asked:
“Crazy hard…”
That’s the verdict reached in the dressing room following the 60-minute class where a combination of Pilates, yoga and ballet movements, along with bursts of cardio and the use of a ballet barre for support and resistance provides a high-energy, full-body workout.
Dunlap, an avid marathoner and triathlete, had her first barre experience last January in California and became “addicted.”
“It was the most challenging exercise I’ve ever done in my life,” she said. “I’d planned on running home from class and had to have my husband pick me up because I was so exhausted.”
Ok, so it’s not easy, but when has anything worthwhile and that gives you the amazing benefits of a ballet dancer’s body ever been effortless? I’ve taken a few of these classes and I can tell you they are fun, and that made the class go by quickly.
“Pro athletes use ballet to work on their strength, balance and core, so I thought I’d give it a try.”
said another interviewee from Minneapolis, Ryan Brown.
You can read more about this interview here.
Being a ballerina myself, I’ve had countless women tell me how they dreamed of growing up to be a ballet dancer but for some reason or another could not fulfill their childhood dream. A barre workout: the basics of ballet is a wonderful alternative to indulging that inner dancer in you.
Plus, you’ll have the added benefits of building a strong core, graceful limbs and you’ll walk lighter and straighter. What else could you ask for?
Promise me you’ll give your dream a chance and try a ballet barre workout in your area. They have them in most major cities and write back to tell me about your experience. I would love to hear from you!
Here’s a list of different types of barre workouts.
As they say before you go on stage: “Break a leg!” But before you do, please click Like below.