Ballet Quote: Common Sense Ballet?

Ballet Quote: Common Sense on Being a Ballet Dancer

Can common sense and inspiration get along? Apparently not according to this ballet quote. Here's a ballet quote I really like because it is, oh, so true. “Common sense would tell parents never to send their children to a ballet school. Common sense would tell teenagers that there is a wider and happier world beyond the grueling structures of daily barre and class. Common sense would tell the graduating student that there are infinitely superior ways of making money than joining a … [Read more...]

Ballet Quote: Edward Villella

Edward Villella

American dancer, founder of the Miami Ballet and presently its artistic director, Edward Villella has been quoted: Quote by Edward Villella: “What's so wonderful about ballet is that it's mind-driven physicality. It's almost a Greek ideal of body, mind, and form.” - Edward Villella If you liked this quote, give us a "Like" below!     … [Read more...]

Dance Quotes: A Source of Inspiration

African dances

Don't you just love reading ballet and dance quotes? I do! They are a source of inspiration to dancers and non-dancers alike. They lift us up and inspire us in many ways. What do I mean by "in many ways"? Quotes, especially dance quotes bring me back to what is important, not only professionally, but on a deeper level, you might say spiritually. After all, if you're passionate and fulfilled internally, it shines through, right? Here are a few refreshing dance quotes to get you … [Read more...]

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