Happy Mother’s Day from Classical Ballet News [Surprise Video]

To all ballerina Mommies and non-ballerina Moms as well:  Happy Mother’s Day from Classical Ballet News!

Happy Mother's Day from Classical Ballet News

Image courtesy of wikipedia.org.

Here’s a beautiful video of the ultimate “Pas de Deux”; pregnant ballerina (no name given) dances for the camera. She dances with her unborn baby,  beautifully and skillfully, I might add. It is really difficult to relevé (rise on the ball of your feet) and balance when you’re pregnant. ;-)

She begins with a warm-up at the barre, then moves to the center.

I hope you will enjoy this unique video.

Happy Mother’s Day from Classical Ballet News

Video courtesy of YouTube.com.

Important Note: DO NOT attempt to do at home. If you’re pregnant and have not trained in ballet do not try to follow the video! Simply enjoy it. This is a professional ballet dancer and to perform this requires YEARS of previous training.

Help us celebrate all Moms in the world by Sharing this video with your friends and family.

Happy Mother’s Day from Classical Ballet News!

About Romy Macias, Senior Editor

Romy danced with the Ballet Clasico de Queretaro Fernando Jhones for 10 years having reached 1st soloist position. She presently takes on character roles and teaches at the company's junior academy. This site is a testament to her passion for classical ballet. You're invited to be part of our community and join in the joy for this amazing art form.


  1. Louise says:

    Beautiful and what a great idea! Thanks for sharing this.

  2. Peter Gehr says:

    A great mothers day video. Beautiful! Thanks!

  3. rebecca says:

    Dancers will always amaze me the same way mothers will..Happy Mother’s day Romy!

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